Mypromo-receipt provides you the marketing tool to promote:

Upcoming Events
Workshops & Programs
Special Offers
Important Dates & Reminders

Easily transform your checkout receipt into an eye-catching promotional receipt in minutes! This means always delivering fresh content to your patrons.

Designed with simplicity in mind, easily add custom text and images with a few clicks. Your new tailored promotional transaction receipt is now ready to be printed from all of your circulation and self-checkout stations!

Have multiple library branches? No problem!

Your custom promo-receipt is also ready to be used by all of your branches, located anywhere! Alternatively, create branch specific promo-receipts right from your workstation. Unleash your creativity with total flexibility!

Go from that...


Hand your patrons a reason to come back again and again!

Cost Savings

Remind patrons the value your library provides.

Content Delivery

Patron is detected as an Adult, YA, or JUV, so user can receive a relevant promotion.